Don’t Laugh. Memes Are Your Brand’s Social Media Secret Weapon

Brianne Fleming


Grumpy cat. Success kid. Condescending Willy Wonka. Memes in our social media feeds have been making us laugh for years, but only recently have brands shifted their strategy to get in on the fun. Memes can take on many forms, but are generally described as humorous images, videos, or pieces of text that communicate something about a cultural trend or social idea.

If you’re not doing mematic marketing (yes, there’s actually a term for this), you’re probably spending time and money arranging photo shoots, hiring influencers, editing video, and creating content that will look flawless in your Instagram feed. And while this is all fine and well, your audience gets bored of polish and perfection all the time. They want to consume authentic content they can relate to — content that sounds like them. This is why memes have become a digital phenomenon, and brands are leveraging this opportunity to connect with consumers.

The same way we gravitate toward people who have a sense of humor, memes help brands build relationships with their followers. Do you have an annoying colleague who never stops talking about themselves? Think of them as a brand who only…



Brianne Fleming

I write about brands and boy bands. Marketing and social media instructor at UF. Pop culture lover. Host of the Making the Brand podcast.