Pop-Up Video’s Lesson for Content Creators

Brianne Fleming
4 min readJul 16, 2020

It’s wild to think that TikTok has become a vehicle for people to discover music. Growing up, I turned to traditional media to fuel my passion for music — radio, print, and television.

One TV show I always gravitated toward was VH1’s Pop-Up Video. Although it only aired from 1996 to 2002, there are so many takeaways from this show that we can apply to content creation today.

If you don’t remember Pop-Up Video, it was a mini music video marathon where fun facts would pop up onto the screen. As you watched, you’d learn various things about the musician, the video production, or other relevant factoids.

Here’s an example from the beloved Spice Girls video for “Wannabe”.

My favorite pop-up reveals some Spice Girls history: each member was hand-selected out of 400 women who responded to an ad for a girl group.

A Content Creation Must: Education

The mark of any interesting piece of content is that it serves a purpose. Whether it be to entertain, inspire, connect, or…



Brianne Fleming

I write about brands and boy bands. Marketing and social media instructor at UF. Pop culture lover. Host of the Making the Brand podcast. www.briannefleming.com